Vector Graphics Mode

After receiving the control code GS (this can be turned off) or the 4105 command ESC%!0 (ASCII control characters are printed in this font to distinguish them from printable characters, a space is written SP) from the host, switches to a separate graphics screen, if the host doesn't send ESCFF (the ASCII characters Escape and Formfeed) before starting a new picture, you will have to clear the screen manually with AltF1. The incoming characters will be interpreted as Tektronix encoded vectors or commands (see appendix A) until receives one of the following codes:

To return manually from Tektronix to VT200/VT102/VT100/VT52 mode press AltF6 or select the appropriate mode from the item Terminal in the menu Settings. To view your picture again press AltF5. Be careful, selecting Tektronix 4010 mode manually will also reset the history buffer!